Thursday, August 6, 2015

A lady boy’s desire ………..

Only a lady boy knows of sensual mounting fire
She holds the key to unlock her glowing desire
Only a lady boy knows a soft touch can excite
A man’s pleasure mounts to maximum height
Only a lady boy knows, yet she will not reveal
The sensational mood of her craving she feels
Only a lady boy knows sex like no other being
Her sexuality in feeling that flow from within
Only a lady boy feels her Mother Nature side
Pass down to her is the femininity in pride
Yet a lady boy can’t unlock her own destiny
From crunches of sex fiends makes her kinky
Notwithstanding in the double roles she plays
The feeling of her ability to love in both ways
Ended up exhibiting in exploitation of herself
Exposing a naked body to betray her true self
She can’t hold back the aroma lure of a male
This secretive sex life of a bewildering female
Surpassing her limits she thoughts can be free
To be an adequate woman she's looking to be
But Alas! She’s never able to fulfil her destiny
To be upright virtuous woman in her chastity
Coz she’s a lady boy and that’s the way she is
And it will never change a fact a boy or a lady

Ada Shuling

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Dreaming of you......

I think of you as I lay down on my bed
Your image always linger in my head
Seems like you're here never go away
Deep inside my mind you forever stay
I'm tossing in my bed trying to forget
My weary eyelids close and dream set
I dream of you beside my bed you sat
Bending down you're kissing my neck
My heart pounding the deeper you sank
I can smell a male aroma of your sense
You whisper in my ears full of romance
I'm unable to resist your luring tempts
My lusty sexual desire is getting tense
Bits by bits our clothing being to shed
Till we're both naked like nobody care
You on top of me pressing as you pant
I can feel the thrill when our lips blend
My breathing grow faster trying to gasp
Our love gets stronger the hotter we get
We make love in bed like there's no end
Lickin and suckin each other as we can
Till I've an orgasm and about to climax
Then I wake up, it's just a dream I have
And it's my bolster I'm hugging instead
But it's a sweet dream and I get so wet
Coz I've been thinking of you like mad

Mmmm.... am dreaming of you....
Ada Shuling
3 rd June 2015